We like to cook something special on Sundays and since we hadn’t cooked pork in a while I decided to bug the husband to make some pork bafat for me. This time he decided to add some yam (his favourite) and some radish (which we won’t eat otherwise) to the curry to give it some extra taste. A lot of people in Mangalore add yam (sooran) or even raw bananas to pork not just for the taste but also to feed big families on a budget.
I paired this with a simple french beans ‘thel piao’ and tomato saar and enjoyed the meal very much!
Write to me at and let me know how you like it, whether you’ve tried any of the boshis that I present and if yes, do send me a picture and I’ll display it on my Facebook page!
Do check the complete Boshi series here
1. Tomato Saar
3. White Rice – No Recipe
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