“The Reason For The Season”
(The story of the birth of Jesus – from the Candle Bible For Kids)
I have a lot of memories revolving Christmas and what it meant to me when I was a child. It brings back vibrant memories of colours, food, music, movies and people. The events that surround this festival, the countdown to the actual day, the enthusiasm and cheer is something else. If I were to open the chest of my memories, I would not be able to pick just one. There are just too many! When I was in school we used to have the Crib competition to look forward to. A crib is a miniature model of the actual scene of The Nativity – the manger where Jesus was born. It typically consists of a open manger (a trough or an open box in which feed for livestock is placed – as in a stable) and the worldly parents of Jesus – Mary & Joseph and shepherds and their livestock that were present in the area surrounding the manger. The best presentation of this Nativity scene would fetch prizes. I remember that whoever was interested to take part would have to form teams and give their names & I used to always participate with my bunch of friends – a mix of Christian & non-Christians. The participation mattered, not the winning (err, well, the winning mattered too and the disappointment always followed when we didn’t win – haha!)
The run up to Christmas also had me listening to and singing the carols. A Christmas carol (also called a noël) is a carol (song or hymn) whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas or the winter season in general and which are traditionally sung in the period before Christmas. Since I was part of the Church Choir we used to go Carolling (singing the carols from door to door) – those days were so much fun!
Ready made Kuswar is available in many bakeries in Mangalore today. People consider it far easier to just shell out some money & buy the Kuswar than to actually toil over it. However, there is no guarantee of the freshness or quality of bakery bought stuff as bakers start the baking & making of eatables at least 2 months in advance. Today as the traditional joint families have been de clustered, women from nuclear families find it difficult to cope up with the challenges of the Kuswar making process (trust me, if you plan to make it single handedly like I did with small kids hanging around for good measure, it can take quite some time & a huge amount of your patience). The cheerfulness and camaraderie that we once shared with fellow ‘Kuswar makers’ (a.k.a siblings, cousins & aunts) is probably a thing of the past. I know a lot of people (especially you my dear readers who have written in to me since the past couple of months, asking for Kuswar recipes) who armed with the Kuswar recipes would cheerfully want to bring back the old times of making Kuswar at home and so in the days to come, I will post a few recipes that I have been personally tried & tested twice in my kitchen. This is my humble attempt to help all of us recreate the magic of Christmas.
Have a blessed & meaningful season folks!!
Lovely Write up Shireen. i can feel the magic. Wishing your family a happy festive season.
Loved reading it. Festivals are so much awaited for all the togetherness they bring, apart from the fun n frolic.
Wishing yo all the good things in life.
A lovely post!!! We used to visit Jerosa too during the xmaz season & buy some decorations to decorate our home with!! Waiting for Jimmy`s to stock up on kuswar..Love the savory version 😉
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner
good writup with fabilous clicks/platter is tempting wit many snacks
I absolutely LOVE this post! Being sisters in Christ and learning your family traditions in Mangalore are so similar to mine in Birmingham, Alabama…different food but EQUALLY magical. I'd love some of those sweets 🙂
what a beautiful post. loved reading it. so well written.
aaah such a well-written post; thoroughly enjoyed reading it ! sending across festive cheers
It is a magical season. And you weaved magic through your words. Great post. and I love those rose cookies. My cook would make them every Christmas when I was in Hyderabad. Now, I just look at them and think of all the beautiful memories!
That made a very interesting read.
Definitely Christmas means a lot for us,already kids are very much excited here whenever they hear the word christmas enjoyed reading this fabulous post Shireen,very well written..Happy festival.
Lovely post. Back home in India (Kanpur), I went to a convent school and had lots of christian neighbours (mostly keralites), so we used to enjoy a lot of Indian Christmas delicacies. They were quite different from the cookies & pies that are associated with Christmas here in Canada/US. I miss those days.
lovely write up, and enjoyed reading it and wishing you a very happy festive season…awaiting for your festival recipes 🙂
Very interesting and the time is apt. Re: Kuswar I have done if for years but this year I take a sabbatical and only make what my kids want to eat. I never enjoy the season becoz I am so stressed out with baking, cooking, decorating, presents and invitations in galore. This yr it will be different!
Lovely post Shireen…even we wait for Christmas to enjoy all the festivities around. Wishing you a very happy festive season.
What a beautiful post, gorgeous Nativity scenes and the Kuswar looks so appetizing. I am following you from Rome, Italy, I love your blog!
I love your blog, shireen. This article in particular is very interesting and very well written. Being a Mangalorean myself although, was born and brought up in Bombay, I associate very much with everything that you have written…Wishing u and ur family a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!!
Nice write up and nice clicks.
Do participate in the Desserts with Coconuts event and giveaway on my blog.
love the new look Shireen…can feel the Christmas spirit
Hey Shireen……………jingle bells…jingle bells…… the new look and the lovely write up!!
Hi Shireen,
Its been six years to my marriage.I didnt get time to learn to make these cookies because i was working.After my baby born i left my job.Now its been nearly 2 years.This is a nice site to try different items.Upload some other christmas special cookies.Presentation is also very nice.
Saritha D'souza
Thank you all for your encouraging comments! I am so glad you liked the write up and do hope you had a happy holiday season & have welcomed the new year with a lot of joy!! Happy 2012 folks!!
Dear Shireen,
Hope you are adding some more kuswar receipes to your blog this christmas 2012.
Hi Teena, thanks so much for your lovely message, yes I will be adding just a couple of recipes for Kuswar as I am busy with my new born baby. Besides Kuswar, there will be a couple of other Christmas recipes too. So hope you enjoy them all!